I recently attended a series of workshops about publishing and thought it would be worth mentioning a resource that one of the other students attending the workshop brought to our attention. As I have been sifting through my data, I've begun to recognise trends and themes emerging which require further reading to strengthen my understanding. To extend my reading, I like to filter through reference lists to find other relevant literature. I wish I had known about "Connected Papers" earlier in my candidature but now is better than never!
Connected Papers allows you to search for a resource and generates a map of connected literature. It's a useful visual tool to broaden reading in your field of research. Papers on the visual maps are arranged in relation to their similarity with the text. I have found it immensely useful to identify missing papers that are relevant to my study and expand my network of references.
I will drop the link here and encourage others to give it a go! See what you can find! I simply began by searching an article that I was currently reading to find there was a lot more to explore.